Alarmstufe ROT beim Pater Projekt

ALARMSTUFE ROT! Wir haben so viele Hunde wie noch nie in den Projekten vor Ort!

Die Tötungen sind voll, und die Hundefänger und Menschen dort arbeiten unbarmherzig und zügig! Viele unschuldige Tiere verlieren in diesen Tagen durch eine Giftspritze (OHNE barmherzige Betäubung) ihr Leben! Ein stundenlanger Todeskampf ist die Folge.


Hier die neuesten Fotos vom Pater Projekt und der dringende Appell von Father Anthony an die ACI-Familie!

To all the good people who support ACI and our poor poor stray dogs in Bosnia:
When I arrived in Konjic in the early afternoon yesterday, I was greeted by such a very sad scene. I found a very young beautiful rottweiler female (maybe 12 months old), tied up to the fence of the Ivan pansion, with her 6 babies. Somebody had taken them out of their car and put them there about 10 minutes before I arrived. Of cours, the person did not leave any food or anything for the poor dogs to eat or drink) The other dogs in the Ivan pansion were madly barking and Mama and the babies were so scared. It was a horrible scene. Ivan arrived and we put them in one of our ACI boxes with clean ACI BLANKETS and we fed them.

Poor Mama has no more milk for her babies. We will need to buy good food for puppies. Then we gave Mama ACI worm tablets and the babies ACI PROCOX syrup agains worms. Mama has some large bald places on the back where there is no hair at all. Today or tomorrow Siniša must drive her to Sarajevo with ACI – Touran to the faculty to get her tested for skin problems.

We have so so so so many poor poor poor dogs at he moment. I am feeling very worried. After which some EVIL PEOPLE started to poison to death the poor poor strays around Konjic some people have started to throw a lot of dogs over the fence from the Ivan pansion. Once again – it is only with the help of the good people from ACI – can we go on saving and helping these poor poor poor abandoned creatures of God.

I beg the good people from Austria to help ACI to help us to save at least some of the poor poor strays in Bosnia which are so often (NEARLY ALWAYS) treated SO BRUTALLY.

Please help us, fra Tony