Didi und Ogy

Sooo viel Leid und sooo viel Liebe und Hilfe. Wir danken euch von ganzem Herzen!!

Sooo much sorrow and sooo much love and help. We thank you with all our heart!!


Much love to Vienna to Renate and to Bosnia to Nina and Andrea and Stefan.

Much love to you and thanks for what you do for the animals.


Dear Renate, dear Nina!

Many, many thanks, that there are people like you. Please keep up the good work. The animal world needs people like you are – and we also need you.

We send you the very best wishes for 2017 and all the happiness of the world. We love you!!


Guten Morgen liebe Renate,

zwei Fotos von Didi & Micia, die ich heute Morgen gemacht habe. Ich hoffe, du bist nicht so müde wie die beiden. Wenn ja, werden die Bilder dich vielleicht etwas aufmuntern.