Unglaublich viele Puppies auf Ivans Pflegestelle vor Ort

Liebe ACI-Familie,

anknüpfend an den Beitrag von gestern mit den 6 Welpen und der jungen Rottweiler-Mutter, die vor Ivans Pflegestelle vor Ort festgebunden wurde, übermittle ich euch den Aufruf von Pater Anthony zur Unterstützung und Hilfe. Es sind derzeit – in allen ACI-Projekten – so viele Hunde wie selten zuvor auf bezahlten Pflegestellen vor Ort. Wir brauchen dringend eure Hilfe!

Dearest Renate and all ACI-SUPPORTERS,

here are some pics that Ivan took yesterday at his pansion of some of the other many puppies we have at the moment. WE have too many, but how could we do anything but accept these poor poor poor babies. (I feel like crying when I look at the faces of these beautiful puppies and their plea for help).

It would BREAK MY HEART if we had to turn anything of them away due to the lack of help from ACI and supporters. We need lots of help at the moment.

Thanks for everything you ALL do for the poor poor strays of Bosnia.

Love and peace, fra Tony


Plegeplaetze vor Ort retten Leben!