Janek ist unerwartet früh von uns gegangen

Liebe Renate Grell,

Wie schon per Telefon angekündigt muss ich die traurige Nachricht überbringen, dass mich mein treuer Begleiter Janek völlig unerwartet und viel zu jung Mitte Dezember 2013 verlassen musste. Die Ursache seines kurzen schweren Leidens ist nicht geklärt – er wurde auf Vergiftung behandelt – die Obduktion ergab massive Schädigung der Leber und Nieren.

Es gibt viele die ihn nun vermissen – ich werde ihn immer in Erinnerung behalten!


Hier die berührenden Zeilen von Father Anthony, der zu JANEK eine besondere Beziehung hatte, kam er doch in der Kloster-Garage in Konjic auf die Welt.

To my dear Janek von Konjic,
I am just so sad as I look at your beautiful picture sitting in the garden, probably at your parents home. It is a beautiful picture but your eyes seem a little sad. Maybe you sensed that you would not be with us much longer. We loved you my dear friend.  I remember when I saved your mum (Mama) when she was carrying you and your brothers and sisters in her womb and just about to give birth to you all.  I sitting in front of one of the petrol stations in Konjic. It was so cold and she did not know where to give birth to you all. I took her home to the monastery and she  gave birth to you in the warmth of our garage. She was so grateful to us for saving her and her babies. She was a good mum and she dearly loved you and all of your brothers and sisters and you all survived. When you were all about 6 weeks old on one occasion your mum jumped up over the wooden wall in the area where she gave birth to you all and she hurt her upper leg.  When we took her to the faculty for x-rays we discovered lots of little bullets in her leg. Idiots, evil human beings had shot your poor mum. What a hard and horrible life she had before we saved her.

My dear Janek, you were a bit timid as a baby but you grew up into the most beautiful boy. You were the very last of the puppies to go to Austria. I am so grateful to the lovely people (your parents) who gave you such a wonderful home.  They loved you so very much. We will never forget you our dear friend.  I hope and pray you did not suffer too much before you died. I hope and pray that you were not poisoned!!!!!  The human side in me says that the person who did this to you should BE WHIPPED AND JAILED FOR LIFE because he made you suffer so much and die. Yet you know I am a Christian (you were born on the grounds of our Franciscan monastery) and I truly believe that God will take care of all of this. I wait for the moment when I will see you again in heaven.  Your suffering makes no sense to me unless of course I believe that one day I will see you again in paradise,  in heaven with God our Creator who loves us all immensely.

Until I see you again my dear Janek, 
may you rest in peace, fra Tony