Der Alltag von Father Anthony!

Gerettet und operiertEin schwer verletzter Hund liegt stundenlang, vor Schmerzen schreiend, auf der Straße – im Regen, angefahren von einem Auto. Niemand hilft, jeder sieht weg, will nur keine „Unannehmlichkeiten“ haben, … oder doch? Ein „Mensch“ schiebt die arme Kreatur mit einer Schneeschaufel auf die Straßenseite! Angreifen und helfen? Nein danke!

Doch der Pater handelt sofort und eilt zu Hilfe!

2 Operationen (von ACI bezahlt) sind nötig,… der gute Hundebub hilft mit, wo er nur kann… will wieder gehen und laufen können.


Auch für Streuner in Bosnien?

Dearest Renate,

Here are 4 pics of our poor injured dog who we found lying on the side of the road at 21.00hrs about 10 days ago. It was a shocking scene!!!!!!!!! The poor boy could not move and he was crying with pain. I got out of the car and a man appeared and said that this poor poor poor by was hit by a car at about 16.00hrs. This means he was in agony on the side of the road in the rain for over 5 hours. I put blankets over him and drove another 25km to Konjic. I drove back with Siniša and we put him in the car and took him to the Siniša pansion. The next day Siniša took him to the vets in Sarajevol.

So far thepoor dog has had 2 OPERATIONS. He now has 2 pins: one in one leg and a second pin in the other. The wounds remain clean and he is already trying to get up on his feet. He is such a beautiful beautiful dog with SUCH A KIND LOVING THANKFUL NATURE.

Thank you dear Renate and ACI for helping us to save this poor poor poor boy. If we had not have taken him off the street HE WOULD NOW BE DEAD AFTER A HORRIBLY PAINFUL DEATH.

Love and peace, fra Tony