Dringender Hilfeaufruf für GOGA!!

Nun ist fix, was wir schon lange befürchtet hatten:


das heißt, sie braucht dringend Unterstützung, da sie alle Hunde übersiedeln und einen neuen Platz dafür adaptieren muss.
Die ohnehin vom Schicksal schwer benachteiligten Tiere werden auch davor nicht verschont! Und Goga will jedem einzelnen von ihnen auch weiterhin ein Minimum an Lebensqualität sichern!

Wer etwas dazu beitragen möchte, kann auf das ACI-KONTO:
ERSTE, AT25 2011121177512201 als Überbrückungshilfe seine Spende einzahlen,
die von uns umgehend weiter geleitet wird.

Als SOFORTHILFE hat ACI € 1.000,- bereitgestellt!

>> zum Crowdfunding für GOGA

Hier der Original- Text von vor Ort:

The Municipalty does not want to give any money for the move. Also, one temporary location Goga was counting on will not be available.

So, Goga is frantically looking for the new temporary address for the shelter. There are several opportunities, but they all imply some investment in preparation before even laying the boxes. The problem is that the very last deadline in May 15, and she needs to find the place, to prepare it (meaning leveling it with bulldozers, to buy and spread gravel, to make concrete foundations for boxes, make access road for the trucks if necessary), to cut and dismantle the boxes, move the boxes, install them back (including welding) and move the dogs until that date. Some of the boxes will not „survive“ the transport, so obviously they will have to be replaced. Goga will have to pay for all these activities at least 6.000 EUR, plus she will need to rent the temporary space. She believes that the shelter will need to stay in this temporary space for at least 6 months, but perhaps even a year. She expects, this she will need to pay additional 6.000 EUR (500 EUR per month).

As you can see, there will be many costs in the immediate future but also in the months to come. Therefore, we shall really need your support in the following months. We beg you to try to contribute financially and to rehome as many dogs as possibly. Of course, we do not expect ACI to do it alone. Similar appeal will go to other friends of Help Animals abroad.

That is all for now. We shall send you an update when we have something new and concrete.