Spayathon Oktober 2016

Spayathon_okt2016Wir gratulieren Diana zu der neuerlichen Realisation ihres Traumes und werden uns auch beim nächsten SPAYATHON  beteiligen!

Hier ihr Original- Text:

„If you wait until you can to do everything for everybody instead of doing something for somebody , you may end up doing nothing for nobody“



205 Animals spayed/neutered in 3 days by the dream team of ASNI . 159 cats and 46 dogs , ca 60 of them brought in by volunteers. 205 animals that will never reproduce again, hundreds of lives saved in the most humane method known so far. The above numbers are only statistics but behind the scene we have highly motivated vets, vet techs and volunteers whose hard work made this event possible. Huge thanks to each and every one of them. Without their efforts, concern and kind hearts all of this wouldn’t have happened. I didn’t have much time to take pictures but most important is what have been done. Rescuing and rehoming cats and dogs won’t ever solve the serious problem with the overpopulation of stray animals and will only help individuals so we all who really care have to aim at higher “ level“ of Animal Welfare and try to make a difference.

I myself am happy to be a small part of the Spayathons and I am really motivated more than ever. We all met new friends and I am happy our hearts have been brought together hopefully for a long time. Words really don’t come easy and won’t be enough to say THANK YOU to those of you who helped me so much and surprised me with their kindness, it is contagious believe me. You all rock and I am honored to know you !!! 

Event closed, let the preparation for Spayathon Spring 2017 begin NOW 🙂