Unvorstellbares Tierleid aus dem Kloster

Die Kiste mit den ca. 25 Tage alten Welpen wurde einfach bei Regen in der Nacht über den Zaun geworfen. Die Kleinen lagen in der Früh zentimeterhoch im Wasser. Ein Glück, dass sie noch lebten. ACI hat sofort Welpenmilch nach Bosnien geschickt und Pater Anthony hofft die Puppies durchzubringen.

Welpenkiste 2

Dearest Renate,

There is no end to cruelty to poor animals in Bosnia. This morning somebody threw a cardboard banana box with 6 puppies in it on Ivan’s property. They threw the box over the ACI fence. The worse thing is that it was raining and the poor little things were all drenching wet and shivering cold. Ivan brought them into his home and dried them by the fire. They are only about 25 days old at the very most. Ivan must teach them to eat and drink. The poor things had obviously been wretched from their mother who was still feeding them with her milk. Is there any possibility of ACI providing me with some dried mild for baby dogs when I come to Vienna this week? I am so sad sometimes and so disappointed in some of my fellow citizens here in Bosnia and Herzegovina.

Love and peace, fra Tony