Alltag in BIH….das Elend und Leiden der Streuner beginnt bereits von Geburt an!

Ein kleiner Situationsbericht von Father Anthony, in dem er das harte Leben der Straßenhunde, das auch vor Hundebabies nicht Halt macht, kurz beschreibt. Aber mit der Hilfe der großen ACI-Familie werden auch diese beiden Burschen die Chance auf eine bessere Zukunft bekommen!


Dearest Supporters of ACI,

this is just a very typical scene in Bosnia and Hercegovina. Two poor poor baby boys abandoned on the side of a busy road.

They were hungary and stvaring to death. If they had of remained on the side of the road for another 2 o r 3 hours, they would have been killed by a car.

With the help of ACI fra Tony managed to resuce  these poor innocent creatures of God.

They are now safely located at the Ivica pansion.

Love and peace, fra Tony