UPDATE DIANA 5.6.21, Bulgarien

ACI unterstützt – nach wie vor während Corona-Zeiten – Dianas wertvolle Arbeit, um durch Streuner-Katzen-Kastrationen ungewünschtes Leben zu verhindern.

Hier wieder ihr Dank an alle der großen ACI-Familie, die das ermöglichen.

Dear Renate,

what is important for me is to do the castrations all year round. 

Thank you to you , your sponsors and everyone who supports such initiatives because it is a good cause.  I do hope to welcome back the fantastic team of ASNI next year in Spring. Let us believe life will slowly come back to normal and we all will get our lives back.

Thank you for being always thoughtful and supportive, I appreciate it a lot.

Stay safe Renate and keep up the good work, the animals do need people who care.

With fondest regards,
Diana and all 4 paws


UPDATE DIANA 18.4.2021, Bulgarien

DIANA bedankte sich am 6.4.21 bei ACI für die finanzielle Unterstützung zugunsten der STREUNER-KATZEN-KASTRATIONEN in Livno/Bulgarien.

Da die Situation mit Covid 19 noch immer den großen, zweimal jährlich stattfindenden großen „Hunde-Spayaton“ verhindert, versucht Diana, die Streuner-Katzen-Population durch Kastrationen auf einem niedrigen Niveau zu halten.

Hier dazu ihr Original-Text:

Dear Renate,

the money was on the bank account the following day. As always at the right time and supporting a worth cause. At this time of the season I am done with spay surgeries for females because I trapped as much as I could before it was too late.

Those in very advance pregnancy already gave birth and have to wait at least 1,5 – 2 months before I can spay them because of the kittens.

Then waiting the kittens to grew up and catch them….. no end and no solution unless people become more responsible or more of us do what I do.

Now I catch males much easier because they are not as smart as females and go into the trap quickly.

Thank you for never forgetting me and my cause, we do make a difference in this world , make life of these creatures a bit easier and mainly prevent lots of suffering.

With love and fondest regards from my side of the world.

Stay healthy and safe🍀🐾❤️

UPDATE DIANA 24.12.2020, Bulgarien

Anlässlich der üblichen Weihnachtsspende von ACI für das Streunerprojekt in Livno/Bulgarien kam von Diana diese Weihnachtsmail:

Dear Renate,

This festive season is the time when we appreciate the true meaning of love that we often take for granted. Thank you for always being supportive and thoughtful friend. Thank you for your donations toward local mini Spayathons in my home city we did a good job together. It is good to know you appreciate the spay/neuter initiatives and always give hand.
I am still recovering from the virus and I think it will take some time but hopefully all will be well real soon. Your last donation will surely go for spay surgeries as always. Obviously due to Covid pandemic our Spayathons with the dream team of RAR will be postponed for now and I will continue to arrange surgeries only locally with my vet.
Let’s hope we will do the best we can untill life comes back to normal and Spayathons are possible again.
Huge thank you to all supporters of ACI, Happy and blessed Holidays ! May the Christmas spirit bring peace in your hearts, health,hope and may the true meaning of this season fill your homes with many blessings 🐾💓🌲

With love from us,

UPDATE DIANA 21.5.2020, Bulgarien

ANTWORT von DIANA (21.5.2020) nach Erhalt des Geldes von ACI:

Dear friend,

I am so much thankful because paying conventional spay surgeries is very expensive ,much more than donating to ASNI for the Spayathons.  I was working from home in March and grabbed this opportunity to catch and bring cats to be spayed. My vet did a great job but resources are limited and for the moment I stopped.

Now I will continue catching feral cats, it is indeed a huge problem if we stop ,because since March 2016 I organise 2 Spayathons per year and now after canceled event in March I doubt, we will have another one in September under these circumstances which means lots of cat litters in the streets again.

Thank you for being thoughtful Renate, this gesture means a lot and though less animals will be spayed at least we do the best we can.

Take care and stay safe,

Update SPAYATON 2020 (der etwas anderen Art)

Das Jahr 2020 stellt auch unsere Tierschutz-Partnerin Diana aus (Sliven / Bulgarien) vor neue Herausforderungen, da der für April geplante, große SPAYATON 20 aufgrund der Corona Krise gecancelt werden musste.

Doch Diana fand einen Ausweg, um dennoch in ihrem direkten Umfeld ungewolltes Leben zu verhindern.

Deshalb hat ACI die großartige und aufopfernde Arbeit von Diana auch heuer bereits wiederholt mit einem größeren Geldbetrag unterstützt, da gerade in Zeiten wie diesen der beherzte Einsatz von Diana gefragter und nötiger denn je ist.

Original- Text :

Dear Renate,
yes,the money is on the account.

Thank you as always for your support.

Unfortunately the spring Spayathon was cancelled but I didn’t give up.

Due to lockdown I work from home so have time to catch cats early in the morning and bring them to be spayed by my vet.

It is not as cheap as with ASNI, but most important is new born litters of feral cats will be less.

Be sure your money will go for this cause as the only one that really makes a difference.

With love from me and all animals that will be fixed this Spring.


Update zum Spayathon September 2019

Liebe ACI Familie,

Danke schön an alle, die das Kastrationsprojekt in Bulgarien unterstützt, und dazu beitragen haben, zukünftige Streuner zu reduzieren. Bei unserer letzten Kampagne konnte das Dream Team aus Rumänien, Animal Rescue, wieder 224 Hunde und Katzen kastrieren – 224 Tiere, die sich nie wieder reproduzieren werden. Insgesamt sind seit unserem ersten Kastrationsprojekt bis jetzt genau 1884 Tiere kastriert worden; das bedeutet, dass dadurch Leben gerettet werden und gleichzeitig viel zukünftiges Leid verhindert wurde. Kampagnen wie diese wären ohne großzügige Spender über die Grenzen hinweg nicht möglich, und es ist wirklich eine Ehre für mich, dass Ihr Euch entschieden habt, dieses Projekt in meiner Stadt zu unterstützen. Vielen Dank für Euer Mitgefühl und Eure Hilfsbereitschaft; Ihr seid eine riesengroße Hilfe!

🐾❤️🐾 Diana