Danke von Diana aus Bulgarien

Auch im Jahr 2015 hat Animal Care International Diana in BULGARIEN wieder mit finanzieller Unterstützung bedacht!

Hier ein Auszug aus Ihrer Dankesmail:

My dear all,
I wish you and your families Merry and Blessed Christmas Holidays and a Happy New 2016. May your days be filled with happiness and love!
Thank you to those who supported me through this year in my cause to fight for the rights of innocent stray animals and for the life of those injured and sick, without you I could never achieve.

You have a saying – if we have eyes that smile and a heart that loves we have everything. I wish both to all of you!

With my fondest regards from Bulgaria,

„If you wait until you can to do everything for everybody instead of doing something for somebody, you may end up doing nothing for nobody“