Diana berichtet aus Bulgarien

Dear Renate,Diana 1

I have now checked online the account – the money transfer was received on March 6th. I am sorry but lately I had problems with an injury on my ancle and had to stay in bed for some days.Fortunately it was not a serious one and I am already OK, nothing to worry about. Your financial support doesn’t help a bit it helps a lot. All my stray friends have enough food daily besides I catch stray cats to be spayed and this evening the next couple is in my cellar. Tomorrow morning I will bring them to the clinic and at 5 p.m.will bring them back home.In two of the spayed cats the vets found air gun pellets 🙁 I am not surprised people here shoot at cats and dogs… Neutering these females is very important as the population of stray cats here is vast enough.

I hereby will attach pictures of some stray animals I feed as well as some of the spayed ones.I can’t always take pictures but I do when it is possible.

Thank you very much for your support and trustitmeans a lot to us.

Fondest regards from Bulgaria,
