Diana – Update vom 20.4.2014

Original- Text von DIANA an ACI als kleiner Bericht für die überwiesenen Geldspenden für Kastrationen, Impfungen, Futter, etc.

Sterilisierte Katze in Bulgarien

Sterilisierte Katze in ihrem neuen Zuhause

My dear Renate,
This is just a short message to say thank you for the generous donations  that helped many animals in need for the past months. Needless to tell you that the situation with the vast overpopulation of stray dogs and cats hasn’t decreased as the local authorities do not finance TRN programs which is the best and only way we can try and solve this serious problem. There are lots of stray animals trying to survive, fighting for food at the garbage containers, being tortured and slaughtered.

I am trying to do my little contribution to the cause of animal welfare in my country as a private person and I know what I do is just a drop in the ocean but at least I am not indifferent. The money you generously donated goes for food and castrations of both dogs and cats.  Also 7 cats and 5 dogs found their homes in Germany and the transport to their forever homes was also covered by the donation. I am so very thankful to people who know how important this is. I am sure that if they can see the happy eyes of the re homed ex-stray animals they would be absolutely sure their money was worth spending for this cause.

Thank you from the bottom of my heart though words will never be enough to say how much this support meant for us.  It is not always possible to take pictures while I feed stray animals but I will attach in separate e-mails some as well as pictures of ex-stray dogs and cats already rehomed. I hope some of the pictures will put a smile on your face.

I wish you every success in you work !

Fondest regards, Diana