Diana – update 03.07.2014

DIANA bedankt sich im Namen all ihrer Schützlinge bei den Spendern von ACI!

Das Geld wird für die medizinische Versorgung der Streuner verwendet, wie zum Beispiel für Kastrationen, Floh- Behandlungen, Impfungen, etc.
(Bitte lest dazu ihre Original- Mail)

My dear Renate,
I acknowledge receipt of you bank transfer and thank you from the bottom of my heart for this generous donation. I am happy people donate for the cause of animal welfare worldwide. With the financial support of donators we all the animal lovers can make a difference I wish I could live in country where you don’t have to see so much suffering and pain but I am happy I have at least the support of people like you that allows me to help many innocent victims of human’s cruelty and indifference.

I will shortly neuter several dogs and cats that I feed on regular basis and they already let me catch them as sometimes you need long time before a stray dog or cat can trust you. Neutering stray animals for me is very important and I am glad I can afford this though not in big numbers. I will also be able to buy spot on against ticks and fleas for these poor creatures ,the ticks cause Erlichiosis in most of them and protecting stray animals from such diseases is quite costly on monthly basis. With your help I will also buy tests strips for a diabetic cat I am taking care of. These strips I need for the glucometer and these strips are quite big monthly expense.

Thank you Renate for being thoughtful, thank you for trusting me, this means a lot ! When I first received donation for animals I felt very uneasy and for a long time I even refused being financially supported but now I fully understand people are not helping me but the animals and I realized that not accepting help means I rob the animals of the chance they need so much.
I send you my fondest regards as always,

Diana and gang