Krawalle in Bosnien

Hier eine Original- Nachricht anlässlich der Krawalle in Bosnien- Herzegowina!
Menschen und Tiere hungern….das Elend wächst!

Bosnian reality

Bosnian reality

Dear Renate,

You must have probably heard on the news about the massive protests yesterday throughout the BIH. All major cities were suffering damages, destroying, the Government buildings were set on fire, hundreds were injured… People have hit the rock bottom, over 40 % of population is unemployed, retired people don’t get their pensions in time (which are 150 EUR per month only! how can they survive with that?!) and people are hungry and barely can make a living…

One the people commented on yesterday’s situation with this photo (attached) and it is just a real picture of how hungry people and dogs are in this country… I thought I should share it with you… It is very sad….
