Pater Anthony kommt nicht zur Ruhe

5 Hundebabies lagen ängstlich neben ihrer toten Mutter im Straßengraben. Zum Glück kam Pater Anthony vorbei…….



Dearest Renate,Babies found on road with dead Mum in N  Bosnia   24 01 2013

Here are pictures of the 5 poor little puppies I found on the road at Modriča  not far from their dead Mum killed by a car on the 24.01.2013. on my way to CROATIA. After NO-ONE, NOT EVEN THE LOCAL VET FROM MODRIČA, wanted to take them for a day until I returned from Croatia, I hid them in the toilet of an abandoned petrol station. I could no close the door completely so there was a good chance that they would wander back to their dead MAMA still on the road.  I lifted poor MAMA  off the road and put her body in the grass a few meters from the road. Then I drove 3 km’s to buy food for the puppies. I fed them and made them a nice warm bed with my favorite travelling blanket. I then hugged them and blessed them and asked St Francis to look after them until I returned the following evening from Croatia. Upon my departure they all looked up into my eyes as if to say: PLEASE DON’T FORGET TO COME BACK. PLEASE DON’T LEAVE  US HERE!!! I was thinking about them the whole time until my return in the dark on Friday evening. My prayers were answered!!!!! They were all waiting for me when I arrived. 3 of them were in the bed I made for them and 2 of them were outside the toilet and ran up to me when I arrived. I hugged them and cried with joy. Later I remembered to thank St Francis……..

We are now working them in the monastery and praying that they will survive until they receive all vaccinations.

Cora’s daughter just loves them and is helping us with them. We are hoping to find for Cora’s daughter and the 5 babies good homes .

Love and peace, fra Tony

Cora's daughter (in Austria) loves the new babies