Rescuing 5 new puppies

Dear supporters of ACI  and our animal welfare work here in Bosnia and Herzegovinia,

Here are some pics of a scene in a typical Bosnian city like Konjic. 5 poor poor puppies were dumped in the carpark at the local soccer stadium. This area is not far from the Ivan pansion. The poor puppies were thrown out of a car without food or shelter. The miracle is that all 5 of them survived 10 days living on the streets in the snow and rain. Some people brought them some bread and a few bones to eat BUT NOBODY WAS INTERESTED in rescuing them. Fr Anthony drove to Konjic and rescued them with Siniša.  The poor babies were full of joy when we picked them up one by one and put them in the car and took them to the Ivan Pansion. We wormed them with Ivan and went and purchased food for them.

If we has not have rescued these puppies they would soon start to walk onto the main road and walk in the city of Konjic. At this point they would be hit and killed by a car or maltreated by humans, or even worse, POISONED TO DEATH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Our work is so difficult. Please help us.

Yours sincerely, Father Anthony


Tagein und Tagaus werden Tiere in BIH einfach „in die große Freiheit“ entlassen! Ohne über deren weiteres Schicksal nachgedacht zu haben, werden sie von verantwortungslosen Menschen im Stich gelassen! Lediglich Kastrationen könnten dem Problem der unkontrollierten Vermehrung Herr werden, doch solange Hunde, Katzen und Streuner im Allgemeinen in den Gehirnen der Menschen vor Ort lediglich als seelen- und emotionslose, unnütze Wesen wahrgenommen werden, wird echtes Umdenken noch lange auf sich warten lassen. Nichtsdestotrotz versucht ACI, gemeinsam mit Pater Anthony, dem einzelnen Individuum in Notsituationen zu helfen, mit Kastrationen vorprogrammiertes Tierleid zu verhindern und die Weiterarbeit in den Projekten zu gewährleisten. DOCH DAZU BRAUCHEN WIR AUCH DEINE HILFE!