#wirhandeln! – allen voran Pater Anthony

Father Anthony #wirhandeln!I, Father Anthony Burnside, confirm that I whole heartedly support the #wirhandeln campaign which intends to bring attention to the good people of Austria to the plight of poor and suffering dogs and cats outside the borders of Austria. These poor beautiful creatures of God are absolutely no different to their brothers and sisters which were lucky enough to be born in a country like Austria where more than often animals are treated with the love and respect they deserve as creatures of God.

It is not the fault of these poor animals that they were born in a country like Bosnia and Herzegovina where they are very often treated with disrespect, cruelty and harshness. I beg the good people of Austria not to ignore the suffering of poor stray animals in their neighbouring countries. It is the moral duty of all human beings to deal humanely with all of God’s creatures, humans and animals alike.

St Francis of Assisi says that: If you have men who will exclude any of God’s creatures from the shelter of their compassion and pity, you will soon have men who will deal likewise with their fellow men.

Once again I beg the good people of Austria not to exclude any of the poor and suffering animals living in their neighbouring countries like Bosnia and Herzegovina from the shelter of their compassion, pity and love. Austrians have always been well known through out the whole world for their humanity and compassion for all of God’s creatures, humans and animals alike.

May the light of their love, compassion and goodness continue to shine well across the borders of Austria so that through their example many people, at least those from their neighbouring countries, may one day join them in making this world a much more kinder, humane and beautiful place in which to live for all of God’s creatures, humans and animals alike.

Your Father Anthony